• +90 548 851 49 85
  • info@icseac.com ; merayman@ciu.edu.tr

Conference Details

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Ecological Agriculture (4th ICSEA), which will be held in Nicosia, North Cyprus. This congress supported by:

  • Cyprus International University (North Cyprus)
  • Selçuk University (Türkiye)
  • Mongolian University of Life Science (Mongolia)
  • Necmettin Erbakan University (Türkiye)
  • MNS University of Agriculture, (Multan, Pakistan)
  • Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agritechnologies (Uzbekistan)
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada (Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
  • Akdeniz University (Türkiye)
  • Konya Food and Agriculture University (Türkiye)

This is an event for researchers, scholars, engineers, resources managers, students, policymakers, and all those interested in agricultural and ecological sciences. The conference provides great opportunity to network with colleagues worldwide to share knowledge and experience on teaching and research in agricultural and ecological area. Also, conference and festival joining together.

Abstract submission deadline March 20, 2025
Notification of acceptance March 25, 2025
Conference time April 25-27, 2025
Full paper submission deadline June 1, 2025

The congress will be held at Nicosia of Cyprus. It is possible to reach İstanbul or Antalya very easily. After that you can use it to reach Nicosia by plane. Conference is located on Cyprus International University Campus area in Nicosia.

The main scope of this symposium is to invite the experts to discuss the projects and applications on sustainable development in agriculture and environment. The main topic areas include interaction between agriculture and environment, social and economic aspects of environment, biology and agriculture, sustainable development, tropical agriculture, biodiversity, biotechnology, horticulture, plants, animal production, climate change, water management, soil conservation, integrated agriculture management, hydraulic structure, food security, and other related agriculture and environment issue. See below “Conference Topics” list for more detail.

Submitted papers will be review by conference scientific committee and distributed to oral and poster presentation. All accepted papers would be published according to its quality in one of following publication:

  • Selçuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences (http://sjafs.selcuk.edu.tr/sjafs/index)
  • Journal of International Environmental Application & Science (http://www.jieas.com/)
  • Journal of New Sciences (http://www.jnsciences.org/)
  • Online proceeding indexed by Scopus (with additional fee)
  • Proceeding Book

The topics of the conference include, but not limited to, the areas listed below:

Research Field Topics


General agriculture, agricultural education, biodiversity, plant and animal genetic resources, biotechnology, horticulture, plants, animal production, animal nutrition, rangeland management, crop-livestock farming, soil health, agriculture social economics, integrated pest management, and integrated agriculture management

Ecological and Climate change

Ecological Sciences, local ecological knowledge, soil, water, and climate, climate change, structures and environment, ecosystem services and rangelands, agroecology, waste management, biosolids, water and wastewater treatment, maintenance and operation, surface and groundwater resources, and hydraulic structure

Nanotechnology and precision farming

Nanotechnology and agriculture, precision farming and variable rate technology, power and machinery in agriculture, GPS and GIS technology, mathematical modeling in agriculture, renewable energy & energy management

Food Sciences

Food sovereignty and food security, food quality

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

cultivation, economy, industrial use, obtaining medicine,

Agricultural Technologies

Agricultural mechanization and technologies, tractor and agricultural mechanization side industry, other agricultural equipments and services, packaging agricultural services, agricultural banking, agricultural insurance, press and publications, public institutions, agricultural cooperatives, trade organizations, agricultural consultancy, agricultural it products

Type of attendees


Turkey Authority

2.000 Turkish Liras

International Authority

150 USD

Cyprus International University Account Information:

Account / IBAN No:



  • TR40 0006 2000 4930 0006 2946 79 (TL Account)
  • TR16 0006 2000 4930 0009 0806 60 (EURO Account)
  • Notes: "4TH ICSEA" must be added in the description field.

Author's Registration Fee Includes:

  • Welcome reception
  • Conference documents (bag, conference book, badge, certificate, pen, file etc.)
  • Lunch, Coffee breaks
  • Gala Dinner

Social Program

  • City tours

Note: the program would be arranged if the participant fulfilled the number